Banug Sug 's


Maimbung - Jolo Road

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Road is a life of the country. No road no business. Communication is difficult without it. Thus road is vital to building up a nation.

Sulu under the Philippines was once called as the "Longest road in the World". The longest means there's no specific time frame to finish the road construction anywhere in the Sulu Archipelago. Every time to ask for a budget most of the Politicians always requesting for road project. That's why some people called it as such. Wasn't road a nice business?

Anyway, the road above is the Maimbung to Jolo road. With this quite good highway you can reach Jolo from Maimbung on Motorcycle for 15 minutes. 

I'd love to see this road become four lanes drive in the future but that's only possible under the Sultanate of Sulu government!

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